Saturday, April 9, 2011

R.I.P. Boo

A tribute to a member of my family...

April 5, 1995 - April 8, 2011

16 years is a good long life for any kitty, but Boo was diabetic and got insulin shots twice a day for the last 8 years or so (I can't even remember - it's been so long).  He was a crotchety bugger with an attitude and I will miss him dearly.

Even though he once slapped me in the face. Once on each cheek. No claws, but I believe he made his point.

No more donning welding gloves and quilted jackets with my sister to groom him.  He would scratch your arms to the bone! Good times.

He was one of a kind.

Bye bye Boo Boo.